Nowadays, when national factors determine the development of education, there is no doubt about the need for thorough study of the achievements of Ukrainian art in higher education. The article considers the substantive characteristics of the development of aesthetic culture of students in higher education institutions, which determine the harmonization of national and intercultural approach to mastering Ukrainian art. The artistic advantages of the works of Ukrainian authors that influence the activation of aesthetic perception, evaluation, creative interpretation in the educational process are outlined. The article analyzes the ways of influence of Ukrainian art on the development of aesthetic culture of students in higher education: creative mastery of national art culture, which involves the use of artistic and comparative approaches as a way to obtain theoretical information about the works of Ukrainian artists; knowledge of the stylistic principles of Ukrainian art in the system of students' awareness of figurative thinking of Ukrainian authors; national-value orientation of aesthetic self-determination of students, which allows to evaluate world culture through the prism of the national vision, to preserve and disseminate the values of Ukrainian art. It is noted that the fundamental problem of pedagogical support of the process of cognition of works of national art is the definition of aesthetic guidelines for the selection of artistic material, in the process of elaboration and assimilation of which the aesthetic development of personality should take place. Modeling the teacher's activity involves a variety of search tasks in the field of interpretation, mediated by his aesthetic guidelines, encouraging students to the widest possible understanding of the artistic heritage of Ukrainian art and overcoming a neutral attitude towards them. The article defines the essence of the historical-stylistic approach, which allowed to analyze artistic styles on a historical basis. Folklore semantics, figurative principles of expressive heroic themes, which determine the originality of Ukrainian art, create conditions for the emergence of the effect of empathy for the content of works of art.
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