The article is devoted to the origin of the first preschool institutions in Western Ukraine in the late 30's – early 40's of the XIX century, the place and role of Suzanne Countess Ozharovskaya (born Strembosh, in her first marriage – Fresnel). The life of a Galician noblewoman born near Zolochev, the circumstances of interest in the ideas of preschool education during her stay in Vienna and the conditions of founding the first preschool institution (security guard) in the village of Soroky (now Soroky-Lvivsky, near Lviv) are studied. Based on the analysis of newspaper publications, it was established that the institution was opened in the fall of 1839 and the version of its foundation in 1840 was refuted. The important role of Lviv Senior Military Commissioner Sebastian-Willibald Schissler as the organizer of the educational process in the first Galician guard in the village of Soroka and under the influence of Countess Ozharovska – the founder of the first preschool in Lviv in 1840. It was established that Countess Ozharovska was directly involved in the organization of the first public society to support preschools in Lviv (1841), actively promoted and supported preschool institutions as one of the leaders of the women's "Charity Society in Lviv". In the late 30s of the XIX century. preschools, organized according to the system of Friedrich-Wilhelm Froebel, were intended primarily for the education of children from wealthy families. Boys and girls visited the institution for several mornings and afternoons. Instead, the Galician institution was a philanthropic institution where children stayed all day while their parents were busy. At the same time, it is safe to say that it introduced the Froebel principle of "game school", when educational classes were held in the form of play activities.
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