The article focuses on the leading female characters in the novels of the Ukrainian writer from Romania Vasyl Konstantinovich Klim “Mountain” and “Reflections of the Flame”. In particular, the author’s method of revealing their psychoformal manifestations through the androgynous form of thinking is pointed out. In this regard, the artist specifies the images of the heroines through the detailing of their potential activities, intellectual comprehension of the world, liberation from conservative social frameworks, which forms the type of women of a new type. They combine the features of the two sexes, which allows them to express high adaptability to various life problems, and an extraordinary approach to their correct solution. Female characters have a strong influence on men, who are strong representatives of the masculine worldview, and reveal these properties most often in contact with the undisguised activities of women of the androgynous type. As the protagonists combine dichotomous notions of sharp mind and deep emotionality at the same time, Vasyl Klym “philosophizes” their images as living in a patriarchal society and having no less strong characters. Clearly, they were not always able to cope with their androgyny, and without significant psychological shocks to direct their activities in the right direction. They are characterized by high adaptability to different situations, which is provided by in-depth analytical thinking about stereotypical socio-behavioral manifestations. Although at first glance they look very different, the basic features of their description can be classified into three groups: a woman-victim, a woman-truth-seeker, and a woman harmonious. The first group includes images that have chosen the role of victim, refuse to understand the patriarchal world, are intellectually able to anticipate events in the male world, do not oppose the stereotype. The second group is characterized by women who do not share gender positions, are mentally ahead of their time, express their maximum activity and professionalism. The latter type includes characters who harmoniously combine high androgyny and intelligence with family well-being in the so-called chamber world for two.
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