The article deals with the concept of the linguistic database “Fundamental Human Emotions in English Phraseology” based on the study of the emotional picture of the world. Successful implementation of the goal requires the following tasks: 1) to characterize the qualifications of the database and outline its advantages over other file systems; 2) to get acquainted with the experience of creating factual linguistic databases in domestic and foreign phraseology; 3) to determine the theoretical and applied principles of LDB “Fundamental Human Emotions in English Phraseology”. The object of research is a database as an ordered set of data intended for storage, accumulation and processing using computer technology. The subject of research is the linguistic database “Fundamental Human Emotions in English Phraseology”. In the development of the linguistic database used the method of conceptual design; continuous sampling; method of semantic fields; methodological method of correlating the components of the phraseological unit (PhU) with the signs of different semiotic branches of culture. The qualification features of the database are characterized and its advantages in comparison with other file systems are outlined. The experience of creating factual linguistic databases in domestic and foreign phraseology is outlined. Theoretical and applied principles of compiling the specified linguistic database are determined. The strategy of creating the linguistic database is aimed at multiple and multifaceted use. The format of presentation of phraseographic data in the form of the linguistic database allows to implement a new approach to the study of the emotional picture of the world.
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