The advertising function of the headline is to arouse interest in the publication and make the addressee read the text and then buy the product without revealing its entire essence. Typically, the headline for this type of relationship is a phrase that simply names or hints at the object or subject of the publication. The advertising function of the headline of news texts plays an important role in arising the reader’s interest in the publication. Its implementation is characterized by the fact that interesting, eye-catching, large-capacity headlines which resemble advertising goods or services can arouse viewers’ interests. Among the main linguistic features of headlines in the advertising function are the following: stylistic peculiarities (hyperbole, metaphor, metonymy, puns, etc.); emotionally colored vocabulary, in other words, a combination of standard and expressive language; use of both abstract and concrete vocabulary. The headline of a modern newspaper article rarely serves only as nominal or informal. Most often, the headline performs an advertising function. In other words, the function of selling information contained in the text of newspaper material. The advertising function is realized by verbs, adjectives in the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison, the use of personal pronouns, various stylistic means. In particular, the semantic function is the main advertising function that arouses the interest of the addressee to the subject of advertising. The main difference between headlines and slogans is the purpose of their use: the headline engages the reader to read the text, and the advertising slogan conveys to consumers the basic ideas of advertising campaigns and maintains their integrity when using several different advertising channels. A slogan is a phrase that conveys the essence of an advertising campaign.
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