The article deals with categories of modality in its multifunctional manifestations. Modal relations and means of their implementation become the object of study at the formal-syntactic, semantic-syntactic, communicative-functional and text levels. The problem of modality evolution in different languages is a central language category and is universal. Insufficient scientific systematization of the category of modality and means of its expression in the English language determine the relevance of this research. The importance of the problem is that modality as a lexical-grammar category causes many difficulties in the process of translation and in the study of its functionality. The discrepancy of modality in English and Ukrainian leads to incomplete or inaccurate disclosure during translation. Modality is the relation of the author of words to the environment, both negative and positive. Modality, being an extralinguistic category of expression of the relation of the speaker to reality, has common means of expression in English and Ukrainian languages. The main means of expressing modal meaning between the subject of action and action in English are modal verbs. This method is lexical-syntactic, since the modal meaning is transmitted by the lexical meaning of the modal verb, which is a syntactic unit. The question of the use and meaning of modal verbs is complex, since in different context conditions they can perform different modal meanings. The essence of the study is to consider modal verbs as a means of implementing the category of modality. Modal verbs are important explanations of author’s assessment in newspaper reports. The authors use modal verbs to endorse, disapprove of criticism, confidence, or doubt, thereby making messages emotionally colored.
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