The article is devoted to the problem of functioning of medical discourse. The semantic and pragmatic features of performative utterances with the help of communicative types of interrogative sentences as the main means of implementing a performative strategy by a doctor at the stage of objective examination are considered on the basis of modern Ukrainian medical discourse. situations in the structure of medical discourse. Pragmatic conditions for the use of performative strategy at all stages of objective examination of patients have been established. One of the factors that shape the medical discourse is suggestibility, because the information transmitted by the doctor affects the patient, his feelings and mind, changes his inner world, regulates behavior. The patient perceives such information as a priori, because it comes from an authoritative person (doctor). The aim of our article is to analyze how the suggestiveness of medical discourse is realized in performative strategies through verbal attitudes formulated by the doctor in the form of "directives" expressed as command, advice, recommendation, instruction, prohibition and nonverbal (open poses, gestures, facial expressions, interpersonal distance), look, attentive listening to the patient's answers) communication. Suggestiveness in medical discourse is manifested in unity with rational-logical communication. Under the influence of stress or disease, the patient's suggestibility increases. Thus, suggestion is maximized if it meets the needs and interests of the recipient and if the source of information is a person with high authority and enjoys unconditional trust. It is revealed that the variant of modification of the standard performative strategy at the stage of objective examination is constructions with the help of motivational definite-personal sentences with a compound main member, the auxiliary part of which is expressed by tokens in the form of the imperative mood member in the form of the future tense of the second person plural and singular, interrogative two-syllable sentences with a compound verb predicate in the present or future tense of the second person plural or singular, and interrogative two-syllable sentences with a predicate in the form of unreal modality conditional.
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