The article is devoted to the study of the uniqueness of conquest messianism, which is the basis of anthropomorphic nationalism of the literary process of the XIX – first half of the XX century, which contributed to the usurpation of American identity by images of a Christianized Edward Palmer. A review of scholars’ ideas on trends in the interpretation of modern literary works by authors of Indian origin is analyzed. It is noted that many literary critics point to cosmopolitanism as a useful concept for expanding and developing areas of postcolonial research, research within geographical and literary boundaries, and perhaps most provocatively, the study of North American Indians and Indigenous people. The presence of anti-American themes that sharpen the reader's attention against the European educational configuration of racial bodies and diseases is highlighted. An attempt has been made to clarify the understanding of true values by representatives of European and North American imperialism and Native Americans. The analysis of the given textual examples proves that there is a special emphasis on issues related to identity, culture and society in the context of increasing transnational mobility, technological progress and globalization. The article notes that the colonial invaders endowed America's alien and ecologically distinctive landscape with tropics in order to bring it as close as possible to the tropical Eden they had longed for on a new continent, instead of becoming a tropical hell created by colonial contacts, evictions, forced relocations, and expulsions of Native Americans from their sovereign lands.
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