Article presents the combined research of the language genesis theories. In it’s theoretical part the historical overview of philosophical lingual conceptions and theoretical analysis of classical and modern theories of lingual genesis are proposed, namely: Platoon’s conception of «realism-nominalism»; sensualistic and rationalistic view to lingual genesis of philosophers of Renaissance; lingual conceptions of philosophers, who represent the second generation of Hermeneutics, headed by M. Heidegger; views to lingual nature of scientists, representing the second cognitive revolution, headed by R. Harre; lingual genesis conception of evolutional activity, created by L. Vygotsky, O. Leontjev, O. Luria; soundimitational theory of lingual genesis, firstly presented by Suzan Blackmore. The set of strong and weak points in each theory is distinguished.
In the practical part of the article the experimental-empiric research of synesthesia phenomenon is conducted. According to sound imitational theory of lingual genesis, this phenomenon was one of the driving forces of language development in historiogenesis. The physiological nature of synesthesia and etymology of the term itself are presented. The fact of synesthesia existence was experimentally checked on the literal material of Ukrainian language. Besides the level and manner of it’s influence on the development of native language knowledge and foreign language knowledge development is explored.
It was defined in this research that synesthesia is the real phenomenon of reality, which is also expressed in Ukrainian language-carriers. The mentioned Ukrainian language-carriers by nomination of new objects showed the tendency to use Ukrainian liters, which are associative applicable with some physical features of these new objects. At the same time synesthesia has certain positive influence on the process of foreign language study, but doesn’t have any notable affect on the knowledge of native language.
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