Author-individual word formation influences the development of the figurative system of poetry, enriches the poetic lexicon, determines the prospects of creating new nominative units for certain word-forming types, encourages further active use of expressive language. Linguistic research of Ukrainian and foreign linguists was devoted to the study of various aspects of occasional words, in particular: lexical-semantic, word-forming, linguistic-stylistic, lexicographic, functional, pragmatic. The article investigates the word-forming specifics of individual authorial innovations of V. Stus, in particular affix morphological ways of word formation. One of the means of forming an author’s style is the use of author’s word formation. Author’s innovations of V. Stus are represented by four main parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs. The main method of formation of noun occasionalisms is morphological, within which the prefix-suffix method of creation, base and word formation is marked by high productivity, much less suffix, prefix-inflectional, non-affix methods of word formation are used. There are much fewer adjective occasionalisms formed by suffixal, prefixal, and suffixal-prefixal ways. In the derivation of verbal occasionalisms, the active methods are suffixation, prefixation, as well as the prefix-suffix-postfix method. Adverbial occasionalisms are insignificant and are formed mainly by prefix-suffix method. Individual authorial innovations play an important role in the figurative picture of the creation of the world by the writer. These lexical units carry the greatest emotional and stylistic load in the works of V. Stus.
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