The article explores the uniqueness of narrative strategy in Per Petterson’s novel «Out stealing horses». It is noted that the reference competence of the narrator in the novel is the main criterion by which it is advisable to explore the narrative picture of the world within the author’s artistic space, which changes as one takes over the role of narrative instance. It is emphasized that the work has a homodietatic type of narrator, which undoubtedly corresponds to the nature of the genre of the novel-confession. The role of the narrator accumulates in the protagonist of the novel, who expands the narrative canvas with strategically determined retrospective inserts. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the coexistence of present and past, objective and subjective in the novel is plotoriented and is expressed not only in the ideological content of the text, but also in the specifics of genre, composition and original use of narrative strategies. In this novel context, we are talking about an explicit narrator, who is characterized by objectivity (the text minimizes lexical indicators that indicate the personal attitude of the narrator to a particular character or event), motivation of the narrative, awareness of the stated chronotope. It is argued that the narrative component of the novel is quite multi-vector, so it contributes to the fictitious zero focalization, which is the motivator of the author’s postmodern game with the recipient. The chronotope is characterized by internal focalization, as a significant part of the story is the memory and reflection of the hero-narrator. The narrative strategies of the novel determine numerous radical interpretations of artistic situations, give signs of parable to the work, create the effect of shakiness, illusory existence, push the recipient to independently seek the truth. Fiction does not depend on chronology, the constituent elements of the story are inverse, segmental in nature, which allows you to broadcast a more comprehensive picture of the artistic space and trends in its functioning. The forms of narrative represented in the novel actualize the «ontological intrigue» based on the reproduction of individual mythopoetic models, the coexistence of which most fully reveals the plot of the movement to truth.
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