The proposed article is devoted to the research of communicative strategies and tactics in modern discourse, and the problems of cognitive perception and pragmatic influence in the process of studying a discipline in higher education. Scientific research is built in the pragmalinguistic direction, in other words, in the direction of examining the functioning of language signs in speech communication in relation to the interactivity of its subjects, their features, the direction of mental activity, reactions, and the communication situation. In particular, the pragmatic influence of the context, built on winning the trust of the addressee and polarizing the surrounding reality for manipulative purposes and creating an ideologically verified, in favor of certain persons or organizations, picture of the world in the mind of the recipient of information, both an individual and society, is investigated. Despite a fairly large number of scientific studies devoted to communicative strategies and tactics and discourse problems, there has not yet been an analysis of how, in the process of studying communicative strategies and tactics as a discipline in higher education, students perceive certain strategies and tactics cognitively, and how they evaluate the possibilities and situations of their use pragmatically. In particular, emphasis is placed on the fact that when analyzing the illustrative context, it is necessary to take into account the background knowledge of young people in the light of extremely dynamic recent changes in society and the world, reassessment of the realities, and, as a result, "falling out" of the scope of the certain knowledge cultural background, or ephemeral and erroneous understanding of some things (concepts, actions, situations, states, etc.). In this context, it is noted that quoting as illustrative material five-year, and all the more, ten-year-old texts causes certain difficulties for young people, due to the fact that the linguistic means used to implement a certain strategy or tactic are based on realities or assessments that do not carry any additional semantic load for the student. The article also attempts an illustrative demonstration of linguistic and cultural means of communication that reflect the constants of national consciousness and are used to achieve a perlocutionary effect in modern discourse.
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