Information and computer technologies, which are rapidly developing, significantly and relentlessly transformed the main processes of didactics of the higher military school – the processes of interaction "teacher – cadet", "cadet – knowledge" and "teacher – teaching method of educational material". The rapid development of information and computer technologies contributes to the formation of a variety of forms of organization of educational activities and methods of teaching a foreign language for cadets of higher military educational institutions of non-linguistic specialties, what in its turn, significantly affects the improvement of the effectiveness of such classes and the growth of cadets' motivation to learn a foreign language. The article examines the peculiarities of the use of modern information and computer technologies and specialized textbooks in teaching cadets of non-linguistic specialties of higher military educational institutions foreign language. In particular, the author of the article describes examples and methods of her own application of information and computer technologies (modern multimedia technologies, interactive educational multimedia environments, modern software and Internet resources) in the foreign language training of cadets of non-language specialties of higher military educational institutions and studies the effects of their application on each separate type of cadets’ activity (writing, speaking, reading, listening). The author determined that the use of modern multimedia technologies in a complex allows the teacher to create an interactive class (environment) for a more convenient, interesting and effective study of a foreign language by cadets. Also, in the article, considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages of specialized textbooks for learning a foreign military language (as the example the basic military training textbook – Campaign – English for the military is used).
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