The article deals with the methodological principles of literary comparativistics modern discourse. It is noted that the comparative methodology combines two opposite approaches: the search for universals that establish the unity of different national literatures, and the identification of their national specifics. Analysis of the genesis of the methodological foundations of R. Descartes («Principia philosophiae»), С.-G. Jung (theory of archetypes), M. Foucault (connection of words and things), D. Ďurišin (internal and external contact connections), M. Bakhtin (idea of a literary dialogue) is done. The common methods of comparativistics are examined, regardless of the specifics of the scientific direction: comparative and typological, comparative and historical, individualizing. The fundamental importance of the intertextuality category for the methodology of comparative research is substantiated. It is noted that in modern comparative discourse, the term «cultural transfer» is as a new approach to the study of literary and cultural relations, and such a form of transfer as translation of foreign literature is actively researched today. Considerable attention is focused in the article on the issue of the imagological method, since the perspective and relevance of domestic and foreign scientific research in the field of imagology – learning the mental image (image) of the people with a different national consciousness is growing. It is noted that its understanding in the new literary discourse transforms the research strategy and methodology: not only to understand the translated work at the level of its general and typological characteristics, but, most importantly, to understand it in its «essential meanings» through reception and interpretation.
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