The article identifies the specifics of the process of development of scientific and methodological competence of tourism specialists. The method of modeling is considered on the basis of concepts and scientific approaches, taking into account a number of methodical provisions. The interrelated components of the structural-functional model of the process of development of scientific and methodological competence of tourism specialists are highlighted: purpose, tasks, pedagogical conditions, principles, functions, stages, forms and methods of scientific and methodical work, criteria, indicators and levels of scientific and methodological competence. The functions of scientific and methodological competence are determined: gnostic, prognostic, organizational, communicative, reflexive. The structure of the model is presented. The levels of development of scientific and methodological competence of tourism specialists are identified. It is pointed out, that the effectiveness of the development of scientific and methodological competence of tourism specialists is ensured by introducing two groups of pedagogical conditions: organizational and personal. The content of the components of scientific and methodological competence is considered in the system of three components: scientific-theoretical, practical, personal. It is assumed that the scientific and methodological level of professional training of tourism specialists during the organization of the educational process provides continuous and systemic process of gaining personal experience and personality formation of tourism specialists, reflects the relationship of key scientific provisions on the educational process and is based on a number of scientific approaches. Emphasis is placed on the need to study the problem of training tourism specialists in the system of continuous education, due to new trends in the information society related to the accumulation of scientific knowledge and need to find effective mechanisms for their transfer and use.
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