The article is devoted to the problem of forming the project culture of future teachers in cooperation with the curator of the academic group. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to rethink the educational paradigm and generate new ideas for the modernization of the educational process. It is determined that the professionalism of a modern teacher is determined by the level of formation of his culture of project activities. The aim of the research was the theoretical substantiation of the model of formation of students' leisure culture by means of extracurricular project activities. Theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign scientific and methodical literature, normative-legal documents and legislative base is given. Different author's views on the meaning of the concept of "project culture" are analyzed and it is found that it is a component of professional training of any profile. Student youth is seen as a target with their dreams, desires, interests and values, so the creation of a developmental environment in the educational institution will best stimulate students to project activities and mobility. It has been determined that the curator of the academic group currently acts as a facilitator, coordinator, tutor and academic consultant. The level of formation of students' civic and health-preserving competencies on the basis of the conducted research (questionnaire) among the students of the Municipal Institution of Higher Education "Lutsk Pedagogical College" of the Volyn Regional Council is substantiated. A description of successful projects implemented jointly with local authorities and NGOs is provided. The prospects for the development of project mobility of students of educational institutions within Ukraine and abroad are outlined.
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