The article analyzes the definition of “play as a leading type of preschool activity”. Play is defined as a leading activity in preschool. Features of the game in different periods, as well as the development of personality in the game are outlined. Attention is drawn to the fact that behind the organization of the enrichment of the game environment is the initiative and activity of an adult. Childhood loses the meaning of a unique age period, where the real source of development prevails: live communication, play. The modern child is included in the relationship of cooperation, mutual assistance, partnership. The significance of play activities for the development of the child’s motivational sphere, his self-consciousness, development of imagination, communication, thinking, etc. is analyzed. Among the advantages: the classification of games clearly shows the degree of activity and freedom of the child when he is a participant in play activities. Each game is a child’s communication with adults, with other children; it is a school of cooperation in which she learns and rejoices in the successes of her peers, and endures her failures. Friendliness, support, joyful atmosphere, fiction and fantasy – only in this case, the games will be useful for the development of the child. It is specified that among the personal development of the child a great role is played by play competence. The problem of reducing children’s play is outlined. The meanings of the concepts “game competence”, “game environment”, “game activity” are substantiated. The sequence of change of leading types of activity is outlined. The basics for the organization of life and personal development are considered: the game process and the game environment. In particular, the play environment affects the child, changes him and encourages him to play. Research shows that play as an activity is important for a child’s development. This is the only and unique type of activity that allows you to realize your resources, express yourself, “live” and process personal and personal life experiences. Learning in communication with adults the technique of different games, the child then summarizes the game methods and transfers them to other situations. The study summarizes scientific views and presents its interpretation of the terminology of the game.
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