The article considers the problems of increasing the motivation of distance learning students in higher education. It is the positive motivation of students that stands out as the main direction in solving many pressing problems of modern higher education. The purpose of the article: based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature to reveal the didactic possibilities of pedagogical design as a means of increasing the learning motivation of students in the learning process. The analysis of different approaches to this problem depending on forms of training is carried out, possibilities and various ways of increase of motivation at students of full-time and distance forms of training are analyzed, methods of domestic and foreign pedagogical schools are considered. Possibilities of pedagogical methods of increase of motivation of course development with use of pedagogical design are analyzed. For this purpose, the stages of designing a training course in pedagogical design and the stages of increasing motivation in the design of training according to the system of researcher John Keller are systematized. Brief overviews of the data clearly shows the fundamental differences between full-time and distance learning, as well as their impact on the process of student motivation. A brief description of the classical model of pedagogical design «ADDIE» and its five main stages, analyzes the problems of building a course in distance education and the factors influencing this complex and multifaceted process. Many aspects are taken into account in the development of the course, but the positive motivation of the student to study is a subjective factor and depends on many reasons. The organizer of the training course, teacher, tutor ca not rely on chance and depend on the subjectivity of the circumstances. That is why the problem of student motivation is one of the key problems not only in distance education, but also in pedagogical design.
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