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гра просто неба, ігрова діяльність, категорії ризикованих ігор, небезпека, неструкторована гра, ризик, ризикована гра, фізична активність. risky game, unstructured game, physical activity, game activity, outdoor game, categories of risky games, risk, danger.

How to Cite

КРУТІЙ, К. Л., ДЕСНОВА, І. С., & ЗАМЕЛЮК, М. .І. (2024). RISKY GAMES FOR CHILDREN OF PRESCHOOL AGE. ACADEMIC STUDIES. SERIES “PEDAGOGY”, (4), 64-72. https://doi.org/10.52726/as.pedagogy/2023.4.9


The article examines some types of risky games (playing at high altitudes; playing at high speeds; playing with dangerous tools; playing at a close distance from dangerous elements; fun games and games in which children can disappear or get lost). Engaging in these categories of risky play has many benefits for children: choice, control, decisionmaking, a sense of achievement, along with the ability to assess risk and problem-solve, cope with or overcome problems. Developing these skills is the foundation for positive mental health and physical well-being. Play is defined as a child’s primary tool for learning about the world, the environment, interpersonal and physical relationships, and self-awareness. Features of the concepts “risk”, “danger” are outlined. Participating in risky play gives children the opportunity to access risks and manage situations. Risky play is an opportunity to expand your opportunities and acquire life skills. Success and failure give children motivation to try again and find different ways of doing things. The importance of the impact of outdoor space on children’s play, allowing certain types of games or activities, was analyzed. Children who play games indoors or in an adult-supervised environment have less contact with nature, experience less of their daily life skills, and are away from risk. The aim of this study was to investigate parents’ attitudes towards risky games. The conducted survey of mostly validated scales and standardized questions corresponded to a sample of parents of preschool education institutions no. 7, 5. Lutsk, Volyn region. and prove how a sample of parents perceives risk in children’s play behavior, including children’s independent movement, as well as the level of riskiness of play activities allowed by parents. We found that parents, on average, positively evaluate the benefits of risk for children in play activities. Communicating with nature outdoors is important for health, so children should be allowed to play games and experience the risks themselves.

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